5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Work-From-Home Space - Avenue Real Estate

5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Work-From-Home Space

You’ve heard the phrases “unprecedented times” and “new normal” used again and again during the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting stay-at-home recommendations, but it’s true—Many of us are finding ourselves spending more time in our homes than ever, and it’s becoming clear that working from home can quickly feel more like living at work. Here are five tips to transform your work-from-home space into one you truly love. 

1. Designate a specific working space. 

At the beginning of your work-from-home experience, you probably responded to emails from bed or created spreadsheets from your couch, but as this arrangement becomes more long-term, it’s important to create work and home life boundaries, even if they all take place in the same room. 

If you don’t have a designated office space, no sweat! You can use a small rug to outline your new working space within your living room, or choose a specific section of your dining room table to be used for work during the day.



2. Make it cozy.

In the spirit of making the most of these unprecedented times, look on the bright side—This is your opportunity to make the coziest office you’ve ever had. Say goodbye to fluorescent lights, generic furniture, and stuffy board rooms and say hello to cozy blankets, colorful wall art, and soothing candles. Embrace the upsides of being at home, surrounded by your favorite decor and comfort items.


3. Include natural elements. 

If you’re feeling stuck inside, make sure to take as many neighborhood walks as you can, but also bring outside elements to your workspace. Choose a working area that receives a lot of natural sunlight or is near a window, and fill your space with indoor plants. This will help boost your mood during the workday and increase the air quality of your work area. Watching the plants grow each day will also give you a sense of accomplishment!


4. Optimize your work area for video meetings.

If your workday includes Zoom meetings, you’ll want to make sure to choose a workspace that has a sufficient background. Facing a window can provide extra light to your face, ensuring all participants can see you clearly. Make sure that you’re limiting distractions in the background by sitting in front of a solid wall or low-traffic area in your house. Test out your new setup before attending a Zoom meeting to ensure it looks the way you want it to, then add some plants or artwork behind you to lift the moods of your coworkers, too!


5. Look for inspiration.  

If you’re feeling stuck in your floor plan and can’t decide on a good working space in your home, look to other homes for inspiration! Search home listings to see how professional stagers make the most of spaces like yours. Consider rearranging your furniture to bring fresh energy and ideas to your working space, and think about underutilized areas in your home, like nooks, closets, or bar tops, that could be easily transformed into a makeshift office. Start your inspiration board by perusing our newest listings

And if you decide that you need a fresh start to working from home, contact us to help you find your ideal home office space. 

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